Michael Dieck 1952 – 2023

On may 2nd our Foundation lost one of our dearest volunteers.

Michael (70), a retired U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer, served with distinction on the U.S. Army Parachute Team, The Golden Knights. For 33 years he made sure that ‘his’ two beloved F-27’s ‘Excalibur’ & ‘Ambassador’ were kept in pristine condition.

After our Foundation acquired ‘Excalibur’, in 2019, Michael was eager to get her airborne again. Between chemotherapies he worked endlessly on our Fokker and was ecstatic when ‘Excalibur’ took to the skies again.

Michael, a recipient of the Charles Taylor “Master Mechanic” award for 50 years of safe aviation maintenance, knew his way with aircraft like no other man. Our Dutch engineers frequently contacted him for advice. He really knew the F27 ‘inside out’…

Our foundation will be forever in Michaels debt and will proudly honor his legacy by returning Excalibur to the skies in 2024.

All our volunteers would like to express our sincerest sympathies to his wife Susan, their children and grandchildren.

Paul Reijnen
Chairman St VNCE

Dit bericht heeft 1 commentaar

  1. Alan Knollmeyer

    Early in 2020 I drove to Laurinburg to do engine and taxi runs on Excalibur. There I met Michael Dieck for the first time. I liked him immediately. I had not been current in an F-27 in 14 years and we started out sitting in the cockpit doing familiarization and exchanging stories about the Friendship. Michael got me back up to speed on the airplane that day and although I thought I knew a lot about the F-27, I soon realized I was in the presence of a true F-27 master. Over the next two years we had many enjoyable phone conversations and the subject was always about our Fokker Friendship adventures.
    Rest in peace Michael, I will miss you.

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